The following exercises and craft ideas are a playful way to sharpen children’s self-awareness and teach them how to use their imagination to regulate emotions and achieve their goals. Imagination has an incredible impact on various levels when used purposefully. In recent years, research has shown that mental imagery has a strong influence on bodily functions, emotions and learning processes¹²³. When children learn to activate self-control processes with their imagination, they also gain self-efficacy and self-confidence. They no longer feel overwhelmed by their emotions and feelings, but rather perceive themselves as self-determined actors in their own lives. When children understand how imagination can affect emotions, sensations and physiological processes, they can use their mental imagery in various situations, such as for improving attention, reducing pain or for athletic or artistic performance. Children can cope thereby more easily and creatively with daily duties and feel empowered for life.
To begin the work with mindfulness and imagination start to read the story. “My life in Colours” with your child and do the workbook: “Emotional Selfregulation“. Then you can choose the themes according to the wishes and needs of your child in an individual order. Together with your children you can dive into imaginary worlds and get immersed in all possible colours, and then let your creativity flow freely. Make these moments of playful exercises small oases in your daily life where you and your children can find joy and inspiration and strengthen your resources.
1 Hackmann, A., Benett-Levy, J. & Holmes, E.A. (2011). Oxford Guide to Imagery in Cognitive Therapy. Oxford: Oxford University
2 Holmes, E.A., & Mathews, A. (2005). Mental Imagery and Emotion: A special relationship? Emotion, 5(4), 489-497. doi: 10.1037/1528-3542.5.4.489
3 Pearson, J.(2019). The human imagination: the neurosciences of visual mental imagery.Nature Rewievs Neuroscience, 20, 624-634. doi10.1038/s41583-019-0202-9

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Achieving your goals
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