In order to avoid massive emotional outbursts such as temper tantrums, children can learn to recognize early physical signs of such outbursts, and to act actively at this stage. The “volcano exercise” serves this purpose. Thanks to this exercise, children experience that they can expand their freedom of action and that good self-observation and proactive reactions can prevent harmful behavior (to themselves or to others). Besides determining the foregoing symptoms, it is useful to brainstorm appropriate forms of expressing anger that they can use, if an outburst of anger will occur nevertheless. (e.g. drawing a picture of anger, punching the sofa, running around the block, etc.).
Furthermore, it is important to mention that all feelings are justified and that the aim of this method is not to suppress negative feelings, but to deal with them in a healthy and constructive way. Often it is not the negative feeling per se that causes a problem, but its inappropriate and (self-) destructive expression. Negative feelings are also a valuable source of information; they should be acknowledged and appreciated, but put back into their place if they occur to an unhealthy degree or form. Signs of such an emotional imbalance can show up in various stages, e.g. when children can no longer cope with developmental tasks, are restricted in their leisure time and social contacts, harm themselves and others or if physical symptoms occur. In such cases, children need professional support to ensure their normal development and to help them pursuing and achieving their goals.
Here you can download for free the pdf of the workbook Volcano