The short story: “My life in colours” is an introduction to the exercises in the workbooks. It is meant to inspire children to better sense and explore their feelings. Like the girl in the story, children can start translating their feelings into colours, sounds and other sensory perceptions in order to better regulate them in a further step (see Topics & Workbooks). Children benefit when their imagination is nurtured at an early age, because our imagination offers us countless resources. When children understand how mental images influence emotions, sensations and bodily functions, they can start using them to improve self-regulation, concentration, artistic and physical performance and overall well-being¹². Imagination thus helps children to feel more empowered and to face new challenges with greater confidence.
You can download the pdf version of the book for free. My life in Colours
1 Revenstorf, D. (2015). Trance und die Ziele und Wirkungen der Hypnotherapie. In Revenstorf, D. & Peter, B. (Hrsg.), Hypnose in Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizin (S. 13-31). Berlin: Springer.
2 Munzert, J., & Lorey, B. (2013). Motor and Visual Imagery in Sports. In Lacey, S.,& Lawson, R. (Eds.), Multisensory Imagery (pp. 319-341). New York: Springer.